Friday, March 6, 2015

Week 9! last week :(

It’s my last day! It’s very sad to be done, but I know I will come back and visit!  This last week I was working on finishing up projects and working with the new intern from OUHSC, Marta.  I spent time with Marta explaining to her the different areas of work that I had been doing so she could become more familiar with things before I leave.   On Tuesday, I met with Marcia Musser to discuss my performance improvement project for Dot’s Deli.  We went over how the prep station was going and what can still be improved.  After my observations and the meeting I was able to complete a step-by-step process of what should occur when a customer has a food allergy for the deli operation.  On Wednesday, campus was closed but I still came in and did some work on the allergy action plan that Dot is working on.  Thursday, we were at the Union doing a nutritional awareness event.  We had a board with lots of nutrition information and included recipes of the food that we served.  We had three different Korean recipes to try, which were delicious.  I also became a lot more comfortable with speaking to strangers about the food and different information.  There was a lot of setup for this event getting it prepared and picking things up from the Couch kitchen.  Friday, I worked on finishing up everything and met with Dot to discuss my performance and growth over this whole process.

I have loved my time here; I have met a lot of great people and learned a lot about management.  There were a lot of different projects that allowed me to see the various aspects of management and what goes into everything.  I will use what I have learned here and apply it to my future.  I want to say thank you to everyone that has helped or spent time with me over these past two months.  Please keep in touch! 

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