I'm starting week six here at OU Housing and Food. I was supposed to work with Windeon at Cate the other day, but apparently he was out sick. After talking to Dot about my upcoming assignments I needed to complete, I started preparing for my Presentation next week. For this presentation I will be giving a 30 minute Employee In-Service on Food Safety and Sanitation. The bulk of my presentation will go along with my Performance Improvement Project involving Sanitizing Solution and Procedures.
After my Quality Safety and Sanitation Inspection with Kevin, I realized that coming up with a standardized Sanitation Policy and Procedure to be used across OU campus would be beneficial. It was brought to my attention as I traveled around different dining areas on campus that some dining halls still used cotton rags for sanitizing instead of special sanitizing rags. There were other small changes that needed to be made as well.
For my in service I will be covering food safety: 1. Time and temperature of foods and 2. Sanitizing solutions. The main point I want to cover however, is the WHY of using special sanitizing rags instead of cotton rags. As this in service will be given to managers, I will spend some of my presentation covering the importance of policies and procedures and also of training and re-training employees.
This presentation will help me complete both my In-service assignment and my Performance Improvement assignment. The only assignment left for me to complete will be the Management Review which I probably should have completed first ;) I might be making my rounds to ask questions, so be prepared with answers over the next few weeks.
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