It's my second week with OU Housing and Food! This week consisted of preparing for the big Move-In day. My job was to put together several poster board displays for this event. I spent most of the week brainstorming topic ideas for each board and eventually created sketches for each board. I created three boards each covering a different topic; Food Allergy Myths and Facts, Food Allergy: Tips and Tricks for Navigating Campus Dining, and a Healthy Eating board. Overall I thought the boards were very professional and looked great!
The Big Day was Thursday. We all got to the Walker Adams Mall early to unload our wagons and start setting up. We had tons of food to display and give away, along with the recipes we had ordered from Couch. Our table probably had the most appeal with Vegan, Gluten-free, and Top 8 allergen free chocolate donuts and muffins. We had several students stop by our booth and talk to us. It was exciting to see all the other booths set up and all the freshman getting ready for the school year. The pictures below show our booth with displays and food to give away.
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