Monday, September 18, 2017

Week 1

I'm Michelle, the new OUHSC Dietetic Intern.  I'm originally from Minnesota, but completed my Bachelors degree in Dietetics at Brigham Young University in Utah. Needless to say I'm pretty far from home, but I'm excited to be here in Oklahoma completing my internship. It's my first week in my management rotation working at OU Housing and Food with Dot Flowers. I'm excited to experience food service on OU Campus.

My first week was pretty slow just getting familiar with the campus and meeting everyone. When I first came in to Dot's office, the first thing I noticed was about 20 boxes of shoes stacked up in front of her desk. I wondered why she had so many shoes. I soon found out that on top of working with food allergies and food ingredients, she was in charge of ordering and returning shoes for the food service employees and managers. I spent most of the week helping her with shoe orders. It's sometimes a lot more complicated than you think.

Dot also mentioned that she was preparing for a Food Allergy Training for food service workers at the end of the week. I helped Dot with her presentation and also ended up grading the Food Allergy Training Quizzes.

The next thing we had on our schedule was Move-In day the following week.

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