Thursday, March 27, 2014

Last Day

Though I look forward to the future, I am a bit sad to be saying goodbye to OU Food Services, as I have had so many wonderful experiences here and have enjoyed everyone I work with.  Thanks to everyone here for making this such a positive experience.  The past nine weeks spent learning about management responsibilities, developing recipes, doing sanitation and safety inspections, creating a nutrition awareness table outside Crossroads restaurant at the Oklahoma Memorial Union, completing a performance improvement project, and countless other things have given me a great experience to draw on in the future.  My favorite thing about this rotation was that everyone I worked with was eager to teach me about their work and willing to help me put my knowledge into practice in whatever way I needed, whether it be getting on  board with a performance improvement project or letting me take over a section of the Couch Restaurants kitchen for a recipe development project.  This is a great university, and one I am proud to have attended.  OU Food Services will always have a special place in my heart. 

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