Monday, February 25, 2019

Week 3, 4, 5

Good Morning OU Housing and Food Fam!
These past two weeks have FLOWN by! Between finishing almost all of my projects for rotations and getting ready for Dot's and I events, it has been crazy!

Week 3 was spent doing some housekeeping in the office. I worked on my recipe development and finalizing steps for my Business plan. Wednesday, February 6, I had the opportunity to help Jet Li with his Chinese New Year menu. He made everything from pickle fish to Chinese BBQ pork. It was all extremely delicious. I helped him serve and for 4 hours we had a line almost out the door. By the end of lunch, we had run out of everything except the Chinese BBQ pork. It was crazy and amazing at the same time! I also had the opportunity to try out my menu for my business plan. The Cauliflower and Vegan "Ranch" were a huge hit! The truffles ended up being changed to chocolate chip cookie dough since it wouldn't hold the ball shape

Week 4 I spent at both Cross A &C. Monday and Tuesday I was at Cross C helping open Farmer & The Kale and making pizza at Basic Knead. The rest of the week I was at Cross A. Nathan and Tim were absolutely AMAZING in answering every question, letting me hands on with the logistics of running a restaurant, and letting me work right beside them. I learned everything from scheduling to account keeping. Plus, Credo is absolutely amazing! That loaded Mac & Cheese is what dreams are made out of!

Week 5 was spent in the office finishing up my projects, like employee in service and business plan. After thinking I had found the winning idea for my performance improvement, I found out that it had already been fixed. So, after talking to Dot, we decided to write out procedures for what to do with someone who self identifies an allergy. On Thursday, we had Dot's event for allergen awareness. It went swimmingly!

Sorry for not posting! This internship has been crazy busy, but I have loved every second!

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