Saturday, September 12, 2015

Week 5

We're passed the halfway point! Only four weeks left for me at OU!

Most of this week I spent working on projects, specifically my in-service presentation that I will present at next weeks meeting. It's coming along nicely but there's still some details I haven't figured out yet.

On Wednesday I spoke with Kevin Barker, Director of Business Operations about his role in the Housing and Food Services department. Mr. Barker was very helpful and answered any and all questions that I threw his way (as I am continually working on my Management Review report). It was interesting learning how a budget is created for such a large operation, as well as all the factors that must be considered. And in the end, it is still just a very, very educated guess.

Thursday was the Environmental Information Fair which was organized by Ms. Dot. The fair was in the rock garden, and we provided information to students about where their food comes from and definitions for common phrases that they may have heard but not completely understood. For instance, we explained the differences between things being labeled "organic", "natural", or "non-GMO". The best part of the fair was that the free food samples that we provided of all organic, vegan and allergy free food! It was SO good! There was a white bean 3-layer vegan dip, sweet potato hummus, Mexican brownies, and a delicious Earth Bowl salad with roasted corn, broccoli and candied pepitas.

As mentioned, the rest of the time I worked on assignments for my internship. Next week will be busier as we have another home game on Saturday!

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