Saturday, April 11, 2015

Week 6

This week I have been working in Couch Restaurants with Sam Ford most of the time. Monday was an exception because I worked with Chris Kaeser mostly at Starbucks but also at Bedrock. I enjoyed being at Starbucks. Chris taught me many things about the operation and his job. I really liked learning about taste pairings with coffee and pastries. I did not know it could make such a difference before. On Tuesday morning I went to Bookmark with Chris because we did not have time to go on Monday. I really liked that operation. We did not stay long because I had to go to Couch where I worked the rest of the week. During the rest of the week I had the great opportunity to be involved in many activities such as a sanitation assessment, job interviews, cooking and serving food with chef Billy, making caramel apples, participating in a barbecue sauce tasting, being in another managers meeting, and learning about the job of the managers at Couch. Sadly, on Thursday I was not feeling very well and when I got home I realized I had fever. On Friday I had to stay home and rest.  

I cannot believe I just have three weeks left at OU. I am enjoying this rotation very much and as I said before most of it is because of the work environment, everyone is very nice with me and I really appreciate it!

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