Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Blast from the Past

I am back!  That's right.  This intern has been here before.  My name is Hannah Presley, and long ago in the years of 2007-2011, I was a student, food service worker, and Housing Center Student Association member at the University of Oklahoma.  Returning to Norman has been a lot of fun, as I got to catch up with quite a few familiar faces last week.  That was my first week here, and I was pretty excited to be back at my alma mater for a nine week rotation.  Now that I've settled in, I'm working on several projects as part of my internship requirements.  I need experiences that give me a good background in major aspects of dietetics.  Here at OU Housing and Food, I'm getting a chance to see the food management side of things.  The first project I started was developing recipes for enchiladas, one reduced calorie version and the other vegan.  I've created one recipe and tried it out at home, and in a few weeks I will get to test them both in the kitchen of Couch Cafeteria with one of the chefs.  Additionally, I've been working on pamphlets for nutrition awareness weeks for Couch Restaurants, the Weather Center, the Union, and Cate Center.  They look great thanks to some help getting stock photos courtesy of the Housing and Food marketing department.  Another project I'm working on is an employee in-service presentation teaching managers about ways to make their food offerings healthier for students.  The idea is to make changes that the students will hardly notice so that they don't find healthy eating choices to be challenging.  One of the great things about the University of Oklahoma is the President's Associates dinners that they host.  This Thursday, February 6th I will be helping to set up and work the catering for a President's Associates dinner featuring Sandra Day O'Connor as the main speaker.  Here's hoping the snow stays away so we can all enjoy that night!

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